Bug fixing#
Bia-bob can assist bug fixing. In case you meet a bug, just put %%fix
in the beginnign of the cell and exectue the cell again. The cell’s code will then be replaced with an updated version of the code.
from bia_bob import fix
For example, if you execute this code, there will be an error:
from skimage.io import imread
image = imread(../../data/blobs.tif)
Cell In[2], line 2
image = imread(../../data/blobs.tif)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
You can then add the %%fix
magic in the cell above as shown here:
from skimage.io import imread
image = imread(../../data/blobs.tif)
The cell will then be replaced by this one:
from skimage.io import imread
image = imread('../../data/blobs.tif')