Measuring features in a time-lapse dataset#

In this notebook, we will develop a workflow on a single timepoint of a timelapse and will learn how to apply the workflow on the whole time-lapse. This involves the following steps: preoprocessing, segmentation and feature extraction.

from import imread
import pyclesperanto_prototype as cle
from skimage.measure import regionprops_table
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

Developing a workflow#

First, we are reading in the image, scaling it and converting it to a numpy-array:

# reading in the image
image_stack = imread("../../data/CalibZAPWfixed_000154_max.tif")[::10,:200,:200]

# scaling the image and converting it to a np-array
image_stack = np.asarray(cle.scale(image_stack, factor_z=1, factor_y=6, factor_x=6, auto_size=True))
(10, 1200, 1200)

Next, we define a function segment_single_image which does background subtraction using top_hat_box and segmentation using voronoi_otsu_labeling.

Therefore, it needs as input:

  • an image

  • bg_radius (= background radius)

  • spot_sigma and outline_sigma.

It returns the labels as numpy-array:

def segment_single_image(image, bg_radius=50, spot_sigma=10, outline_sigma=3):
    background_subtracted = cle.top_hat_box(image, radius_x=bg_radius, radius_y=bg_radius)
    labels = cle.voronoi_otsu_labeling(background_subtracted, spot_sigma=spot_sigma, outline_sigma=outline_sigma)
    return np.asarray(labels)

We try the function on timepoint 6 (= 5th frame as we are counting from 0):

tp_6 = segment_single_image(image_stack[5])
array([[  0,   0,   0, ...,   0,   0,   0],
       [  0,   0,   0, ...,   0,   0,   0],
       [  0,   0,   0, ...,   0,   0,   0],
       [  0,   0,   0, ..., 177, 177, 177],
       [  0,   0,   0, ..., 177, 177, 177],
       [  0,   0,   0, ..., 177, 177, 177]], dtype=uint32)

Visualizing images and image stacks#

We can visualize our numpy-array like this:

cle.imshow(tp_6, labels=True)

Now we can run our function in a for-loop over the whole time-lapse dataset:

segmented_slices = [segment_single_image(image) for image in image_stack]
segmented_stack = np.asarray(segmented_slices)

Our segmented_stack should keep the same shape as the original image_stack:

(10, 1200, 1200)

It does! Now, we can use stackview to visualize our whole image_stack. The function curtain provides a slider to visualize the label image on top of the original image.

import stackview
stackview.curtain(image_stack, segmented_stack, zoom_factor=0.3)

If you move the Slice slider you can see the segmentation result of the individual timepoints. As you can see, objects are not keeping the same label number over several frames. We are not doing tracking here, just segmenting timepoint-by-timepoint.

Measuring features on an image and a label image#

Our goal is to extract features from this time-lapse dataset. Therefore, we define another function analyze_mean_intensity_single_timepoint. The name says it all.

def analyze_mean_intensity_single_timepoint(image, labels, frame):
    df = pd.DataFrame(regionprops_table(labels[frame], intensity_image=image[frame], properties=['mean_intensity']))
    df['frame'] = frame
    return df

Now, we try it out on timepoint 6 of our time-lapse dataset:

df = analyze_mean_intensity_single_timepoint(image_stack, segmented_stack, 5)
mean_intensity frame
0 193.721710 5
1 154.925858 5
2 142.510788 5
3 102.849998 5
4 88.570175 5
... ... ...
172 154.884216 5
173 147.652908 5
174 126.156464 5
175 89.161293 5
176 135.688721 5

177 rows × 2 columns

As we can see, the function returns a table with the mean intensities of the labels in a particular frame.

Measuring features on the whole time-lapse dataset#

Next, we want to apply our function on the whole stack. We use a for-loop to do so:

num_frames = image_stack.shape[0]
all_frames_df = pd.concat([analyze_mean_intensity_single_timepoint(image_stack, segmented_stack, t) for t in range(num_frames)])
mean_intensity frame
0 223.347107 0
1 93.042557 0
2 112.046814 0
3 192.766434 0
4 162.704330 0
... ... ...
335 135.748642 9
336 116.306427 9
337 121.075317 9
338 98.173592 9
339 82.390472 9

1702 rows × 2 columns

Now, we want to measure how long it takes to execute our code snipped. Therefore, we use timeit.

import timeit
pd.concat([analyze_mean_intensity_single_timepoint(image_stack, segmented_stack, t) for t in range(num_frames)])
115 ms ± 2.77 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

It tells us the execution time per loop (here per image) in our time-lapse dataset.

Short side note: What is a good way to write a function?#

If we define functions, one function should do only one thing. Then, this function can be called by another function which brings another novelty. We call this modularization. Have a look at the two functionsget_intensity_for_timepoint and get_intensity:

def get_intensity_for_timepoint(intensity_image, label_layer):
    stats = regionprops_table(label_layer, intensity_image=intensity_image, properties=['mean_intensity'])
    return stats['mean_intensity']

def get_intensity(intensity_image_stack, labels_layer_stack):
    result = []        
    for intensity_image, label_layer in zip(intensity_image_stack, labels_layer_stack):
        result.append(get_intensity_for_timepoint(intensity_image, label_layer))
    return result

The first function measures the mean_intensity and the second function applies this on a whole time-lapse dataset. Therefore, the functions both have one main task and the first function is nested in the second one.

Libraries to extract features of all timepoints#

Now, we want to measure different intensity-based parameters on all timepoints. Therefore, we use regionprops_table_all_frames from napari_skimage_regionprops.

from napari_skimage_regionprops import regionprops_table_all_frames
stats = regionprops_table_all_frames(image_stack[:,np.newaxis,:,:], 
analyzing frame 0
analyzing frame 1
analyzing frame 2
analyzing frame 3
analyzing frame 4
analyzing frame 5
analyzing frame 6
analyzing frame 7
analyzing frame 8
analyzing frame 9
label max_intensity mean_intensity min_intensity standard_deviation_intensity frame
0 1 255.0 223.347107 91.0 40.516113 0
1 2 97.0 93.042557 70.0 7.657447 0
2 3 154.0 112.046814 68.0 16.508696 0
3 4 245.0 192.766434 85.0 39.013126 0
4 5 255.0 162.704330 67.0 42.194302 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1697 336 189.0 135.748642 61.0 30.539036 9
1698 337 173.0 116.306427 38.0 35.460144 9
1699 338 183.0 121.075317 39.0 38.362331 9
1700 339 133.0 98.173592 55.0 22.237257 9
1701 340 110.0 82.390472 48.0 16.561571 9

1702 rows × 6 columns

You could also use label_statistics_in_all_frames from napari-simpleitk-image-processing which provides some additional intensity-based parameters:

from napari_simpleitk_image_processing._simpleitk_image_processing import label_statistics_in_all_frames
stats = label_statistics_in_all_frames(image_stack[:,np.newaxis,:,:], 
analyzing frame 0
analyzing frame 1
analyzing frame 2
analyzing frame 3
analyzing frame 4
analyzing frame 5
analyzing frame 6
analyzing frame 7
analyzing frame 8
analyzing frame 9
label maximum mean median minimum sigma sum variance frame
0 1 255.0 223.347113 248.525391 91.0 40.523332 626712.0 1642.140432 0
1 2 97.0 93.042553 97.119141 70.0 7.740232 4373.0 59.911193 0
2 3 154.0 112.046817 110.068359 68.0 16.513038 213001.0 272.680439 0
3 4 245.0 192.766438 201.708984 85.0 39.019508 589287.0 1522.522001 0
4 5 255.0 162.704329 162.861328 67.0 42.199321 684009.0 1780.782651 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1697 336 189.0 135.748642 140.314453 61.0 30.544961 349960.0 932.994614 9
1698 337 173.0 116.306430 115.048828 38.0 35.472278 170040.0 1258.282491 9
1699 338 183.0 121.075317 123.169922 39.0 38.376643 162362.0 1472.766711 9
1700 339 133.0 98.173594 97.904297 55.0 22.264490 40153.0 495.707536 9
1701 340 110.0 82.390476 84.369141 48.0 16.601144 17302.0 275.597995 9

1702 rows × 9 columns

If you are interested in the differences between the libraries, you can go to feature_extraction.