Scaling coordinate lists#
Presume you have a list of coordinates derived from an image. In case the image has a specified pixel size, you can convert pixel coordinates in physical coordinates.
from import imread
import pyclesperanto_prototype as cle
import stackview
image = imread("../../data/blobs.tif")[:50,:50]
label_image = cle.voronoi_otsu_labeling(image, spot_sigma=4)
cle._ image
From the objects in this label image, we can derive centroid coordinates.
centroids = cle.centroids_of_labels(label_image)
cle.array([[ 0.7586207 7.7894735 17.849672 24.59091 29.01266 43.57143 ] [26.275862 44.63158 17.79085 4.071429 47.02532 26.266666 ]], dtype=float32)
Such a point list has d times n numbers for d dimensions (commonly 2 or 3) and n points.
(2, 6)
In case pixel size is known, we can compute the centroid coordinates in physical units.
pixel_size_in_microns = [0.1, 0.1]
centroids_in_microns = centroids * cle.asarray([pixel_size_in_microns]).T
cle.array([[0.07586207 0.77894735 1.7849673 2.459091 2.9012659 4.357143 ] [2.6275861 4.463158 1.779085 0.40714288 4.702532 2.6266668 ]], dtype=float32)