Optimize segmentation algorithms#
The Napari plugin napari-workflow-optimizer allows optimizing image segmentation workflows in a convenient way.
from napari_workflow_optimizer import JaccardLabelImageOptimizer, Workflow
from skimage.io import imread
import pyclesperanto_prototype as cle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
To use the optimizer, we need to define our workflow using a Workflow
object. It works like a dictionary with image names as keywords and list of operations and parameters as values. The underlying infrastructure is based on dask graphs.
w = Workflow()
# define background subtraction
w.set("blurred", cle.gaussian_blur, "input", sigma_x=5, sigma_y=5)
# define segmentation
w.set("binarized", cle.threshold_otsu, "blurred")
w.set("labeled", cle.label, "binarized")
These workflows can be explored. For example we can read from it which image parameters are needed to get started.
We can also determine what the result images of the workflow are.
After setting the inputs, we can ask the workflow to compute results.
w.set("input", imread("../../data/blobs.tif"))
result = w.get("labeled")
cle.imshow(result, labels=True)

For optimization of such a workflow, we need a ground truth annotation image. A sparse annotation of some objects is enough for this.
ground_truth = imread("../../data/blobs_sparse_labels.tif")
cle.imshow(ground_truth, labels=True)

The JaccardLabelImageOptimizer
consumes a workflow and can optimize parameters with respect to a sparse ground truth. Its optimize
function returns a set of parameters which corresponds to all numeric parameters of the workflow.
jlio = JaccardLabelImageOptimizer(w)
best_param = jlio.optimize("labeled", ground_truth, maxiter=20)
array([4.80023582e+00, 4.44562637e+00, 3.84861161e-04])
We can then use the optimizer for setting these parameters to the workflow and afterwards read where in the workflow the paramweters were set.
# before printing the workflow, we quickly remove the input image
blurred <- (<function gaussian_blur at 0x0000023723085A60>, 'input', None, 4.8002358210977345, 4.445626372447739, 0.00038486116050511713)
binarized <- (<function threshold_otsu at 0x00000237232EADC0>, 'blurred')
labeled <- (<function connected_components_labeling_box at 0x000002372316AB80>, 'binarized')
After setting the input again, we can also apply the workflow to the image and inspect the result visually.
w.set("input", imread("../../data/blobs.tif"))
cle.imshow(w.get("labeled"), labels=True)

Further insights in optimization#
The JaccardLabelImageOptimizer
also allows to take a look at the optimization process applied earlier.
attempt, quality = jlio.get_plot()
plt.plot(attempt, quality)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x23735c22c70>]